Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Look Away: At Your Own Risk

There are feelings inside each of us that incite movement. They can cause pain, heart ache, joy, hope, and even love. These are feelings rooted in the depths of our souls.

Compassion is birthed from acting upon these feelings. It stems from empathy and perhaps something deeper.

What actions spark movement within your soul?

The other day I passed by two homeless men while walking to school. One man was wrapped inside a blanket, begging for change. His eyes were harsh and his skin was tough. It was cold, for Los Angeles, and he succeeded at looking pathetic. He was painful to look at.

The other man I pass every day. He sleeps outside of a run down store and always has various items surrounding him. His eyes were beyond blood shot, either from drugs or alcohol. He stood, with his back turned toward the street. His arms moved about in an odd fashion as he engaged in a staring contest with the wall...He was winning when I passed him.

I would love to share a story with you about how I spoke to them, asking them what their names were and what they liked to eat.

I would love to tell you about how I immediately went inside Ralph's (a local grocery store) and bought them something to eat.

I would love for you to hear about how I changed their hopeless lives...

But I didn't.

As I moved passed these men, my soul whispered guidance. A voice told me to do all of those things mentioned...

But I ignored it.

With each step I took, I had every opportunity to turn back around and help them...

But I kept moving.

For the sake of finishing an assignment, I gave up my soul's longing to be somebody.

When your soul leads you to putting others needs before your own, do not ignore it. That voice, is one you should never ignore. With all that you have inside of you, find a way to deny your instincts to look away from the world. It is a world hurting and in need of healing.

When your heart breaks for anyone, find a way to be there for them at full capacity.

I failed those men in that moment. It haunts me, because I could have been the answer to their problems in that moment but I chose my own needs.

I was selfish.

I cannot take those moments back but I can find a way to do better in the next ones. If I hold onto my mistake and allow it to shape me so that I can do better next time, the pain will be easier to deal with, but I will still hold onto the pain.

Please allow my failure at demonstrating compassion be a lesson to anyone reading this to always strive to better yourselves by taking yourself out of the equation. 

‎"The artist is the one who does not look away." - Akira Kurosawa  
The world is your canvas, It is time to paint your masterpiece.
The world around you is crying. You can be the answer to those tears.

How do we start?

                            By refusing to look away.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Hey now, this is my desire
Consume me like a fire, 'cause I just want something beautiful
To touch me, I know that I'm in reach
'Cause I am down on my knees.
I'm waiting for something beautiful
Oh, something beautiful
- Something Beautiful NeedtoBreathe

Sanity is a state of mind I have always found vastly overrated.

I have always felt that if the world around me is considered sane, then point me in the direction of the nearest psych ward. The world around us is full of expectations for living a normal life. It's all about appeasing the gods of status quo.

If we were meant to live our lives just like everyone else, what would the point of living be? God created each and every one of us to be different. We all have a unique and individual personality that sets us apart from anyone else, yet each decision made for normalcy draws us into conformity.

Life is not rational! We are not called to lives of mental health. Our nature is far more barbaric and fierce than we allow ourselves to admit.

Who I am, is defined in the moment. Thankfully, thousands of moments happen with each passing minute. Opportunity for adventure surrounds us. All we have to do is allow for it to consume our souls and embrace the madness.

You're probably reading this and choosing to believe I am plain and simply nuts. You're probably right. For those of you who do not understand what I am writing, I just have this to say:

Hold onto your sound mind. Keep your balanced lifestyle. Cherish your sanity. As for me...for me, I choose

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Embrace Madness

"Because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes, "awww!"
-Jack Keruoac

For me...for me, I choose insanity.