Thursday, July 23, 2009

Are We Human?

"Pain is an event. It happens to you, and you deal with it in whatever way you can."
-From novel "The Gunseller"

Bad things have a tendency to happen to everyone. Generally, it doesn't matter who we are, bad things are going to happen.

I've heard many people say they want to forget the pain that has come to them in the past and that makes sense. Why would you want to carry around something that happened years ago?

Some times you'll get hit hard, emotionally, physically, or psychologically. Something will happen that just takes you straight off of your feet and you'll become better acquainted with the floor. An indescribable feeling of hurt will course through veins and all you'll care to do is find a way to get rid of it.

I've been watching some Star Trek movies, which I've never really been a big fan of, but with the new Star Trek movie that came out, it inspired me to get back to its roots...or something.

There are amazing lessons to be learned through Star Trek. It's all about the human condition and have very subtle messages throughout each film. In one film, the antagonist has the ability to help one basically overcome their greatest fear, which correlates with their deepest pain. He proves this ability by first helping most of the main crew, except Captain Kirk, Spock, and (my favorite cynical character ever) Bones.

Through a series of events the villain is able to "help" Bones and he feels as though a weight has been lifted from him. He feels renewed. The villain (who is Spock's half brother) also does it to Spock, and Spock doesn't really react to his "pain". Then it comes time for Kirk to face his pain, but Kirk refuses to let him in.

"You know pain and grief isn't something that can be waved away with a wand. They're the things that are part of us, the things that make us what we are. If we lose those, we lose ourselves. I don't want to forget my pain, I NEED MY PAIN."
-James T. Kirk

The pain we go through is all apart of a process called "Life". Pain is just as important as our triumphs and victories. It is essential to our growth, because without failings, we wouldn't be human. That doesn't mean that we revel in our shortcomings and failures. It simply means you have to look beyond them, but remember where you came from.

Because in the end, your pain is a part of who you are. And an attempt to forgetting that, is the first step toward losing yourself slowly.


  1. Pain is simply a tool used by God in the development of our character. Adversity develops strong character and stong character matched with Christ brings glory to the father. halla

  2. I had a friend tell me about someone he knew, whose world was sorta falling apart. Her response was, "I thought God told me to do this."

    I wish I could've shared with her, that God doesn't always tell us we're going to succeed at what he Himself tells us to do.

    I know that sounds pessimistic, but it's very true. We aren't always going to make it out on top in everything we do.
