It could have been easier than this
If you threw it all away
What would you miss
It could have been too much of a chance to take
The silence in your head would have to break
Your grip is slipping faster
Looks like you'll have to face yourself after all
-Eighties by Lifehouse
I always seem to find a way to miss opportunities that come my way. Whether out of fear or just not caring, I find myself regretting what could have been over what actually is.
I've always been more of an introvert, which I'm sure sounds hard to believe for those who have more recently met me. Growing up, it was always very difficult for me to interact with others and meet new people. When I was in high school I didn't want to meet new people, I just wanted to get by.
Last night I drove from Orlando after spending the day with friends, some old and some new. During that drive I thought about many things, but I mostly reflected on the day's events and my past.
Just three years ago, I wouldn't have been able to interact with some of these people, let alone go out to eat with them. I would have been very awkward and felt so out of place yet I didn't.
I didn't want to miss an opportunity to be a part of something, even if it was for only a day. Even if I never see some of those people again, it was worth the experience to step outside of who I think I am to experience life as it comes to me.
There are many people in this world who do not think of themselves as risk takers. I consider myself a risk taker in certain aspects of life, but there are still many areas that I just can't risk and that kills me slowly from the inside out.
Have you ever met someone who looked like they just needed a friend right there in that moment?
Their eyes just screamed out at you, shouting, "I need someone, anyone, just to tell me I'm going to be okay!" Their body language said, "please help me."
But you did nothing. You looked at this person and said, someone close to them can help. I'm not qualified to speak into their life.
I have met people like this and I put on a fake smile and pressed on into whatever meaningless task I was faced with for the day.
It kills me, even to this day that I couldn't have the decency to do something, that's why when I talk to people now, good friends or even "okay" friends, I try to really find out how they are doing if I feel like something is wrong.
I don't want to make the same mistakes I did in the past even though I still periodically make them. I probably make them more than I avoid them.
If I don't find myself taking risks, acting for others, and finding opportunities to shine, I'll have to face what can be my biggest enemy.
If you're not normally a risk taker, try it sometime. Do something dangerous.
Climb a mountain.
Sky dive.
Ask a girl/guy out (I have to cater to both genders).
Live your life.
If you feel like you have missed opportunities to make a difference, don't ever forget those moments. Move on, but never forget the pain and suffering you went through, because those moments are what made you who you are today.
Move Forward, no matter what comes your way.
Mistakes can never be fixed, but you can always try to make things better than they were.
Do something selfless. Do something that will benefit a complete stranger without worry of your own well being. It's contagious, not only for yourself but for those who are watching from a distance looking for meaning in their own life.
Be somebody that will benefit not only your friends, but everyone you come in contact with throughout the day.
and the risk that might break you
Is the one that would save
A life you don't live is still lost
So stand on the edge with me
Hold back your fear and see
Nothing is real 'til it's gone
-Before It's Too Late by The Goo Goo Dolls
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