Sunday, September 27, 2009

Signal Fire/ Winning Losers

The perfect words never crossed my mind
Cause there was nothing in there but you
I felt every ounce of me screaming out
But the sound was trapped deep in me

All I wanted just sped right past
As I was rooted fast to the Earth
I could be stuck here for a thousand years
Without your arms to drag me out

There you are standing right in front of me
There you are standing right in front of me
All this fear falls away to leave me naked
Hold me close cause I need you to guide me to safety
-Snow Patrol (Signal Fire)

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a moment and couldn't muster up the strength to pull yourself out of it?

You found yourself frozen, as if everything around you is moving but you're legs are cemented into the ground. No matter how hard you try you just can't look past the moment you are in.

Life has a way of making things difficult for you. It doesn't matter what situation you are in, sometimes it's just going to get tough.

Two years ago I thought my world was falling apart (clearly it didn't) and life was just plain dirty. I felt completely useless and awkward but for what?

I know how ambiguous that sounded, but go ahead and trust the information. I got through those problems and here I am today, much stronger of a person for it.

Shifting gears, something happened recently that really got me thinking.

I had a friend share something she was going through and I asked her if she wanted my advice. Ultimately, I told her to cut and run in regards to what she was struggling through. She basically ignored that, which didn't bother me. Generally, we hear what we want to hear and only take the advice that doesn't contradict what we already thought we should do in the first place. I know I do that.

About a week goes by and I get a text message from this friend. It said "You Won."

First of all, I had no idea what she was talking about. My first thought was that this person was crazy, but regardless I asked her what she meant. She told me that I was right about the situation and she eventually decided to cut and run.

What boggles my mind about the situation is that I never saw it as a game. I never thought that I had to be right in the situation. Honestly, I wish I wasn't right. There is seldom any joy in the aftermath of moments like these.

I just want to encourage everyone and say that sometimes when you are honest with your friends, the outcome will appear to be wrong at first. It will look as though you made a bad decision while handling the situation. Even when your friend turns around and says they should've listened to you, you shouldn't find joy in that. You should empathize and share your friend's pain.

In those moments, you must become a listener and a shoulder to cry on.

At the end of the day, it's about how you want to be seen by those closest to you. Are you willing to sacrifice a need to be right all the time, to share with someone's heartache?

Whether you realize it or not, people remember when you're there for them. If you're strong for them now, one day they'll turn around and return the favor.

Shine on.


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