Friday, December 25, 2009

Rebirth: Growing Up

Some people hide from who they really are, others accept who they are. But, sometimes, it’s the tough moments that help you realize who you’ve finally become.”
-J.D. From Scrubs 

I always get nostalgic this time of year. Maybe it's the amount of time spent with family and all of the reminiscing that goes on or maybe it's because another year is finally closing to an end. I think a part of me may just be surprised that I was able to make it through the past 52 weeks.

It's always good to be able to look back at yourself, even if it's just a few days, and hope that you're stronger or better off than you were during that time. Looking back at the past few years, I've learned a lot about myself and who I wish to become.

I've been through a lot of insecurity and a lot of weakness and at the same time, I've learned about my courage and strengths. I've learned who I can be for people at certain times, even if that involves shutting my mouth and letting someone cry, whine, or complain.

I don't put a lot of stock into these "New Years Resolutions" and I never will. I've never understood them and so I refuse to participate. So maybe at the end of the year, we should take the time to sit back and reflect for a moment before looking ahead.

I hear people talk about how exciting the new year will be and it's because of this notion that they need to find renewal. The only problem is that change will not occur from December 31st to January 1st unless the individuals make it happen.

There's no mystical force that says, "You know...perhaps in 2010 Chris will no longer have an addiction to Haribo Gummy Bears."

It doesn't work like that!

New Years resolutions are about people wishing they had the willpower to give up something or gain something but never actually commit.

What you need, is to reflect first, then press on. Examine how you handled the situations from the previous year. Examine how you did, not what you did.

The future holds only mystery. There's no way of knowing what tomorrow holds. We can wish and dream we know what will happen but at the end of the day we'll find ourselves only wanting.

Once you analyze the past, you can begin searching for a moment of rebirth. Transformation will occur if you seek it out yet it should not be used as a crutch to support you through your journey. If you allow the idea of change to become your whole reason for living, you will become lost in a search that should remain secondary.

Life is about more than living for yourself, but without being able to take care of yourself, how can you be expected to take care of those in need around you?

The key to living can be concluded through the words of a friend:
"Do right and fear nothing...your heart is your best asset. Keep it pure."

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