Saturday, January 29, 2011

Already Dead

Everything happens for a reason.

Have you ever had a day that seems to be out to get you?

It's as though every moment you face was specifically designed to bring you down?

Then the next day comes around and yet again it's knocking you to your feet. Soon, your week is behind you and all you feel is a sense of failure and you did something wrong.

There are times when all we work for will appear to have been pointless, and all that remains are remnants of once confident people.

Everything happens for a reason.

Life can just plain suck, from time to time. The truth is, we find ourselves stuck in mud and dirt far too often. Our natural instinct is to be ashamed of being dirty. We like to feel clean.

Who's to say that getting dirty is a shameful experience? We all experience it, but when others have mud in their eyes we choose to judge and criticize their behavior rather than show compassion.

Everything happens for a reason.

At the end of the day, it is our failures that we remember more clearly than our victories. Why does this happen? What makes failure ring so true in our souls?

Maybe it is because we want to change so badly what we did. No matter how hard we try, we can never take back a moment that has passed and that hurts. We have to choose to move past hurtful events. We have to choose to carry the pain as far as we're meant to...and then drop it.

There are no coincidences. There are no accidents.

Everything happens for a reason.

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