Monday, April 25, 2011

He Wasn't Right in the Head

Pessimism is not something that flows naturally within. It is a choice. Pessimism is the disbelief that good things can happen. It leads to cynicism, the disbelief in humanity. It slowly decays the heart. It destroys hope.

In the same way, optimism is a choice. Hope is at the center of the optimist's heart. It fuels them to their very core. Quite frankly, a man has to be out of his mind to believe in hope. It is a completely insane venture.
Consider for a moment what the world would look like if you chose to embrace that madness? 
Would you inspire others? Would you finally be able to bring joy to those around you? Would your hope become the world's hope?
The future is a notion paved with fear and worry. The truth of the matter is pessimism is a more realistic approach to life. Everything that fuels the pessimist comes from fire sparked from disappointment in others. People let the pessimist down which brings us to the slow decline into cynicism, or death of the soul (wording is subjective). 

I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to accept a realistic approach to living. I want to dream bigger than what's in front of me and I want to do so holding onto an ever elusive hope. Hope of change. Hope of growth. Hope of life.

At the end of the day, it is absolutely insane to believe that I could help make the world a better place. At the end of the day, you'd have to be mad to believe your greatest dreams could become an incredible reality.

Once again consider what it would look like to embrace that madness! Consider what the world would look like if you chose insanity, right here, right now.

As for me, I choose insanity!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Would You Answer Me?

If the sky should fall
Would you stand by me?
Would you stand by me?

In the worst of it all
Would you answer me?
Would you answer me?

I'll never understand compassion to its fullest. What would drive someone to help those around them without expecting anything in return? It's crazy, right?

Have you ever been to that place where it felt like the sky and everything under it was caving in over top of you? It's as though a wave crashes over you, suffocating each ounce of air from your lunges. Everything feels heavy in those moments and you know within the depths of your soul if someone would reach out for your hand, all would be well.

Who do you cry out to in your worst moments? Everyone has an image of a person, deity or belief in their minds when things go bad. Maybe it's a way for you to throw the blame on others or maybe it's your soul searching for help.

The lyrics I posted are sung through desperation. Pain. Sorrow. Guilt. Sadness. The list could go on forever.

The truth of the matter is God will answer the call. It might be directly or indirectly, either way, he will come through for you. Jesus met people at their most basic needs or where they were at. He continues to do so to this day. If followers of Christ believe they are supposed to imitate Christ,  then they too should be able to answer the cries of a hurting people.

I'd like to think that if the sky were falling around you, I'd be standing right beside you.

I'd like to think that through the worst of it all, I'd be able to answer your plea for help. 

At the end of the day, compassion has to take form. It has to be seen through you and me, otherwise, we're wasting our time, claiming to be something we clearly are not.

Maybe this entry is a challenge, for myself, and those willing to participate with me. Let's try to live up to our humanity and change the world around us, one compassionate act at a time. It doesn't have to be huge, doesn't have to be some grand dramatic gesture. Sometimes all it takes is a smile that can bring joy to all around you.

If the sky should fall
Would you stand by me?
Would you stand by me?

In the worst of it all
Would you answer me?
Would you answer me?

And we will sing in harmony
Only to you my love

Friday, April 1, 2011

Stand Your Ground

"Is this the life I'm coming back to? Is this the strongest emotion in the universe? Is fear what controls everyone and everything? Yeah. I didn't think so."
- Hal Jordan
The subject of fear will always captivate my attention. We see it everyday in ourselves and those around us. Many of us would claim to be fearless.No one really wishes to be the poster child for fear, yet so many of us are qualified to be it. 
I've had extensive conversations recently with people all dealing and struggling with different problems. Each of the situations have a clear difference but they all root from the same emotion:FEAR. 
Is there a cure for fear? Is there a way to eradicate its symptoms entirely?
There is this idea that when someone overcomes his or her fear, it's gone for good and he or she will never have to deal with that fear again. It reads quite well on paper but in actuality it is far from how it works. You learn this when you turn off the lights again or come face to face with a snake.
The first problem with fear is that we believe it's wrong to be afraid so we don't talk about it. Let's set the record straight right here and now.
You may describe it as something else but we all deal with being afraid from time to time. It's natural. It's emotional. It's real. 
Admitting your fears to yourself and a close friend is a great start toward overcoming them. Fear will grab a hold of you regardless of your willingness to accept it as a problem so the sooner you acknowledge it the better off you'll be.
I know I don't typically provide answers to problems with my entries. I'm a firm believer in provoking thought through questions but quite frankly all I'm hearing lately are excuses wrapped in fear. "Well I'm worried about this..." Or "I'm afraid I'm not good enough."
I am not pointing fingers at anyone, I'm trying to help because fear is understandable. I struggle with my own every day and find ways to move passed the obstacles as they come. But I'm not always able to do it. I'm writing because I'm on the side of those too scared to move forward in life or too afraid to stand out.
Excuses only work up until a point. Make no mistake, trying to overcome your fear is the scariest place in the universe to be standing, but it's the place you must plant your feet at, otherwise, you'll wind up dead. 
Eleanor Roosevelt once sad: 
Do one thing every day that scares you. 
Mrs. Roosevelt was on to something. Excuses are easy to make when dealing with things that frighten us. Don't let the excuse win the battle, because your war will end faster with each moment you let slip away between your fingers. You cannot live life worrying about what tomorrow has for you. Accept that all you are given is this moment and you have to make the absolute best of it. 
"For me it's about precision, doing exactly what I need to get the job done. Concentrated power. Focused ambition. Tangible glory."
-Hal Jordan