Monday, April 25, 2011

He Wasn't Right in the Head

Pessimism is not something that flows naturally within. It is a choice. Pessimism is the disbelief that good things can happen. It leads to cynicism, the disbelief in humanity. It slowly decays the heart. It destroys hope.

In the same way, optimism is a choice. Hope is at the center of the optimist's heart. It fuels them to their very core. Quite frankly, a man has to be out of his mind to believe in hope. It is a completely insane venture.
Consider for a moment what the world would look like if you chose to embrace that madness? 
Would you inspire others? Would you finally be able to bring joy to those around you? Would your hope become the world's hope?
The future is a notion paved with fear and worry. The truth of the matter is pessimism is a more realistic approach to life. Everything that fuels the pessimist comes from fire sparked from disappointment in others. People let the pessimist down which brings us to the slow decline into cynicism, or death of the soul (wording is subjective). 

I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to accept a realistic approach to living. I want to dream bigger than what's in front of me and I want to do so holding onto an ever elusive hope. Hope of change. Hope of growth. Hope of life.

At the end of the day, it is absolutely insane to believe that I could help make the world a better place. At the end of the day, you'd have to be mad to believe your greatest dreams could become an incredible reality.

Once again consider what it would look like to embrace that madness! Consider what the world would look like if you chose insanity, right here, right now.

As for me, I choose insanity!

1 comment:

  1. It's sad that our world has come to a state where madness and insanity is the state of mind you need to have so as to hope in that brighter and better tomorrow. I like your insight into pessimisn and cynicism, seems to be spot on. It does decay. It is a choice. More so, you use the words ever elusive to describe the fleeting hope in our hearts, which I though was the precise wordage. Good post Chris!
