Sunday, December 4, 2011


It has been quite a while since I last posted an entry. In fact, it's been 8 months. It would be easy to sit here and say that I just got busy or that I ran out of things to say, but in this case, what is easy is a lie.

I stopped writing for a few reasons. Firstly, I hate the medium. There are times where it felt like I was the only one interested in what I had to say, so why go public if nobody else cares? Another reason, plays off of an insecurity of mine. Sometimes, my mind has a way of asking this question:

Why would anyone care about what I have to say?

What gives me the right to publicly share my thoughts and for what purpose? 

Who is it for and why should they care?

The last question, is one all writers should ask. The problem is, I let it stop me from pressing on. Recently, I've been challenged to embrace my strengths rather than hide behind my weaknesses and trust me when I say there are many. 

There is this conversation of self-mastery and ownership that we as human beings tend to avoid, and rightfully so. Taking ownership of who you are for the purpose of growth and becoming stronger is difficult. I've always avoided shining a light on the things I'm good at because I've never accepted that I was actually good at those things.

People would point out to me that I was reliable but I'd shrug it off and not allow myself to believe it, even though my actions and beliefs proved that I could be relied upon. The mind can be our biggest enemy at times. For all of you over thinkers out there, when was the last time you talked yourself into self-belief instead of talking yourself down? When was the last time you stood up on your own two legs and embraced who you are?

Needless to say, I don't know if this marks the end of my hiatus. I don't know if I'll continue writing and posting my entries, but I do know this, I will from here on out try to step into the light and own my strengths. If I do not do so, not only am I doing myself a disservice, I am also missing an opportunity to help reach out to those around me. I don't know about you, but I know beyond all doubt, that I was not put on this earth for my own sake or well being.

I was created to shine. I was created to stand out. I was created to love. I was created for people

By the were what's holding you back?

Now once again, I invite you on a journey toward self-discovery, purpose, and uncertainty. It is a long and treacherous road ahead of us but I believe firmly that we can all find our way through as long as we go about this together. 

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